Future Culture Summit


Join us for the inaugural Future Culture Summit! Using the frame of Method Sampling—the borrowing of other rationales and reframing them within one’s own system thereby rendering a brand-new system […]


Mining Gold: Finding the Treasures in Family Stories

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

Whether or not your family members are gone, you’ve heard the stories at the kitchen table while at a family reunion or even as a side comment when unexpected. How […]


CAAMFest: Self Evident: Asian America’s Stories


Self Evident is a new podcast taking on what it means to be American by telling Asian America’s stories. With host Cathy Erway, the show will tackle today’s tough questions […]

Mind, Body, Spirit: Wellness Traditions in Asia

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

亚洲文化健康活动日 时间: 2019年5月26日星期日下午1:00-3:00 地点:奥克兰亚洲文化中心 388 9th Street, Suite 290 Oakland, CA 94607 奥克兰亚洲文化中心邀请您来参加亚洲文化及传统健康保健活动。 届时美洲中國文化醫藥大學,金门风水学校,和Shang Shung研究所将介绍和展示古老的知识和技术。了解和体验针灸, 中草药, 推拿 (中医按摩) 太极和气功, 西藏艾灸, 和中国的风水。 欢迎参加,感謝您的支持!The Oakland Asian Cultural Center invites you to celebrate […]

DanceFreeMusicPerformanceSoutheast AsianWorkshop

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