The Oakland Asian Cultural Center (OACC) supports vibrant, healthy, and just communities where diverse Asian and Pacific Islander identities and heritage are affirmed and celebrated. Through cross-cultural exchange, intergenerational dialogue, and educational programming, we use arts and culture as powerful tools for social change and to fight white supremacy and anti-Black racism.
Recognizing that systemic racism is deeply embedded in our society and thinking, which is a byproduct of decades of racist legislation and exclusionary immigration acts, including within APIA communities, OACC fights all forms of racism and xenophobia that APIA communities face, while in solidarity with Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color. To this end, OACC is committed to the following:
Ensuring our programming represents diverse opinions and voices that promote cross-cultural unity and anti-racist values
Elevating voices that are often marginalized or excluded by inviting their participation in decision-making spaces
Working in partnership with cross-cultural community groups and individuals by showing up for their work and also incorporating them into our programs and organizational planning
Cultivating an inclusive environment through positive engagement and appreciation
Embracing a willingness to be uncomfortable and avoiding the perpetuation of white supremacy characteristics
Challenging oppressive viewpoints, behaviors, and assumptions through dialogue and active listening
Showing up as a racial and social justice organization within our community and providing spaces for our diverse community to have difficult, but necessary, conversations