Mining Gold: Finding the Treasures in Family Stories

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

Whether or not your family members are gone, you’ve heard the stories at the kitchen table while at a family reunion or even as a side comment when unexpected. How do you find out more? How do you piece these tidbits together? Where do you go to fill in the gaps? This panel presentation will […]


CAAMFest: Self Evident: Asian America’s Stories


Self Evident is a new podcast taking on what it means to be American by telling Asian America’s stories. With host Cathy Erway, the show will tackle today’s tough questions about identity, cultural change and nationhood by presenting reported narratives, community conversations, and personal stories. The team of award-winning producers, filmmakers, and journalists — from […]

Lecture by Chef David Soohoo & Book Talk With Author Professor Gordon H. Chang

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

Gordon H. Chang will present a talk about his newest book GHOSTS OF GOLD MOUNTAIN: The Epic Story of the Chinese Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad, a groundbreaking account that draws on unprecedented research to recover the Chinese railroad workers’ stories and celebrate their role in remaking America. An invaluable correction of a great historical […]


Mind, Body, Spirit: Wellness Traditions in Asia

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

亚洲文化健康活动日 时间: 2019年5月26日星期日下午1:00-3:00 地点:奥克兰亚洲文化中心 388 9th Street, Suite 290 Oakland, CA 94607 奥克兰亚洲文化中心邀请您来参加亚洲文化及传统健康保健活动。 届时美洲中國文化醫藥大學,金门风水学校,和Shang Shung研究所将介绍和展示古老的知识和技术。了解和体验针灸, 中草药, 推拿 (中医按摩) 太极和气功, 西藏艾灸, 和中国的风水。 欢迎参加,感謝您的支持!The Oakland Asian Cultural Center invites you to celebrate Asian culture and its longstanding traditions of health and healing wisdom by attending this two hour event centered around Asian health and wellness practices. The […]

Qigong Workshop – A Journey to a Brand-new Self

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

A 3-hour intensive lesson to experience the miraculous power of Qi Qigong, combining movements, breathing techniques, and meditation, is a holistic approach to the coordination of the body, mind and spirit. The key to long-term health lies in enhancing the qi circulation to purify the external form and internal energy. Regular practice allows one to […]


There’s No Stopping to My Thoughts: A Community Play & Panel Discussion

Oakland Asian Cultural Center 388 9th St. #290, Oakland, CA, United States

There's No Stopping to My Thoughts is a community-based, script-in-hand, interactive theatrical experience inspired by the life and aspirations of self-taught visionary artist Leon Kennedy.  A 75-year-old black man who paints prodigiously on anything, Leon has called Oakland home for more than half a century, and strives towards painting a mural in the city.  A long-time […]


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