The Oakland Asian Cultural Center invites local business and organizations to take part in our upcoming Virtual Community Night Market. The Night Market will be a virtual “one-stop-shop” marketplace featuring Oakland/Bay Area-based and Oakland values-inspired businesses, including BIPOC businesses and artists. We aim to engage a wide consumer audience of individuals interested in API and/or other cultural communities from around the Bay and across the country. The Virtual Community Night Market will serve as an online directory, which will be active from early March 2023, to April 30, 2023, spanning the length of time between our Lunar New Year Programming and Asian Pacific New Year in April.
The Night Market will be widely marketed through our website and social media platforms and will be shared amongst our 4,000+ contacts, community partners, and followers.
If you are interested in participating in the virtual night market, please fill out this form. Note that there is a vendor acceptance fee as detailed on the form. We will be reviewing and accepting vendors on a rolling basis once we begin receiving applications, with the site going live in early March.
Please email christophernakatsuka@