Presented by the Oakland Asian Cultural Center & California Genealogical Society
May 26, 2018
$60 General Admission
$40 for CGS Members
Save the date of Saturday, May 26 as a special day of learning the fundamentals of genealogy tailored for Chinese families. Sponsored by the California Genealogical Society and the Oakland Asian Cultural Center; and The Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation, and The California Historical Society.
This event will cover basic steps to build your Chinese family tree. Time will be allotted for sharing stories and problem solving.
Featured speakers:
Felicia Lowe:
Keynote including excerpts from her film Chinese Couplets
Grant Din:
The Importance of Family Stories.
Marisa Louie Lee:
Chinese Exclusion Act Records at the National Archives.
John Wong (Friends of Roots/Root Plus):
A Pilgrimage to Your Ancestral Village.
Lunch from Peony Restaurant is included in the registration.
Oakland Asian Cultural Center
388 Ninth Street, Ste 290
Oakland, CA 94607