Over the course of three workshops, participants will be guided by the authors through structured exercises, individually, and in small groups, with the goal of supporting participants as they chronicle their experiences through creative storytelling. Participants will write an original short poem or memory, which will be translated into English and Chinese, published, and shared at a public culminating event at OACC in May. The workshops will be conducted at OACC on Fridays 2/23, 3/23, and 4/13 from 1-2p, with optional time from 2-3p for participants to continue writing or working together. Workshops are limited to ten participants who can commit to attending the entire series, and who would ideally be willing to share their work both verbally at a culminating event at OACC in May 2018, and in print.
Sign-up online at Here or call 510-637-0455. Registration deadline noon on Wed. 2/21/18.